
i bring dinner to work (we never know when there’s a food order going out and the cafeteria closed a few months ago, but hey, we hear the new publisher wants to bring it back). yesterday afternoon, all i had in my fridge were the begukan leftovers and quiche. remember when i was addicted to quiche? πŸ˜› i’m not anymore but i saw some the other day at the grocery and figured it would be a good “just in case” dinner. certainly didn’t want to bring begukan (the microwave we use is near the photographers’ office) and stink up the place. so i brought the quiche instead with a side of versailles salad and asian ginger salad dressing πŸ™‚ it was really good.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Betis Boy says:

    that's a heap of a salad. i think you passed your quiche addiction to me. it's the only item i order at french baker nowadays (it's the only place in provincial mall i can find it). sad really.


  2. Guagua Girl says:

    hmmm, french baker. is that where we (as in J and I) used to order checken ala king with a side of buttered corn and carrots? i remember i loved their chicken turnover, which had a bit of curry flavor in it.

    that's actually a pretty small salad, all greens πŸ˜€


  3. Guagua Girl says:

    you know, sometimes i wish blogger had an edit button for posts. i just realized i typed “checken” instead of chicken last night (i was responding to your response at 4 a.m.)


  4. SpiceIsLife says:

    Wait, wait… They are trying to bring the cafeteria BACK? Really???
    Where did you get the quiche?


  5. Betis Boy says:

    ha.ha. same here about the edit comment feature πŸ™‚


  6. Guagua Girl says:

    spiceoflife?!?! if you hadn't asked me the same question last night, i wouldn't have known it was you, T πŸ˜› anyway, that's the rumor. the publisher was apparently disappointed he couldn't find any food his first day back (plus he missed the lunch truck). we'll see …

    oh, and i got the quiche from stop & shop πŸ˜€


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